Qualifying for Office
I am running for election to Post 5 on the Fayette County School Board.
I have spent over two years working tirelessly to represent the students of Fayette County in that position and I ask for your support to continue to do so.
Public education is the lifeblood of Fayette County. It is the reason why we moved to Fayette County. Our school system has been the reason for our county’s success.
But if we want our public schools to continue to be the county’s strength we must support them. We must push our schools to provide the education our children will need for the world they will live in. We must support technology in the classroom and the teacher training to fully implement it. We must move past training our students to parrot back information and instead educate them to apply what they know to the situation they are in. Our students need to not be trained as test takers but instead nurtured as creative thinkers who can collaborate with their peers and communicate their ideas. We must give all of our students opportunities to practice real life skills in real life situations.
I want our school system to provide the best education anywhere.
The challenges are great. We have an aging population and decreasing student enrollment. We have a misguided “data driven” testing scheme being pushed by our state and federal governments. We have a state government that has systematically underfunded education and then complained about the results and blamed teachers, parents, and students. We must defend our schools from those that don’t support the idea of public education and use a well-honed PR machine to push “corporate” reforms.
To combat these challenges and keep our school system strong, I need your support. We parents need to elect supporters of public education to every position in government. But particularly to our local school board.
Since December 2011 I have had to make some very tough decisions. I have approached every decision the same way- what is the best way to support the education of the over 20,000 students served by the Fayette County Public Schools. Whether I’ve gotten every decision “right” only time will tell.
But I do know that no one works harder than I do to learn about the issues, seek out information, and spend time talking with those that will be affected.
And I also know that no one cares more about supporting education and our children than I do.
Please join me in supporting our Fayette County School System. For our children’s sake.
You can donate or sign up to volunteer at electleonard.com.
The Committee to Elect Leonard Presberg
PO Box 512
Tyrone GA 30290
We’re also on Facebook.
Georgia campaign law requires us to collect donor information including employer and occupation for every donation above $100.